


Bold Faith -

I must say I’ve been very discouraged since coming to the UK. The local parish church is lovely, friendly, but it’s missing something–the desire to evangelize. They’re missing the desire to grow their church! They’re content with a congregation of 40 people, they’re content with a congregation of ages 50 and above. In one conversation with a congregant, we mentioned how timid people seem to talk about their faith, and the answer we received was that they and their children were bullied in school for being Christian. It seems this have permeated the culture in the UK and it is not culturally acceptable to even speak about religion.

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Welcome to Tips & Tricks:



We have been in a transition for a long time now and I’m happy to announce that we’ve arrived to the United Kingdom! This is my excuse for not posting my weekly Tips & Tricks for the last two Fridays! Or has it been longer than that?

Moving is always a frustrating thing, but in the process of moving, we’ve learned a lot and have actually adjusted our style of living in the last three months! I’ve read that English people make friends when they’re young and are not really interested in making new friends, but I haven’t found that to be the case. The people I’ve met are very friendly and have exchanged phone numbers to meet up and get to know each other! Anyway, here are some pointers that you might consider if you are planning on moving from the US to the UK:

1. A language barrier. Though both Americans and Brits speak English, there are a couple different words along the way. The highway or thruway is called the “motorway.” A stroller is called a “push-chair,” or “buggy.” Cribs are called “cots” and shopping carts are called “trolleys.” I have yet to learn all of them, but for the most part, people have no trouble understanding me and I don’t have much trouble understanding them. Thanks to the media, they are very used to the American accent and I am used to their accent from watching a lot of British television while we were in the States.

2. Driving. I consider myself a good driver. I learn to drive with a stick-shift when I was 16, and I’ve never been in any accidents (but one time I rear-ended someone). However, driving on the left side here with the small streets really got me nervous. Though it seems like you never see any speed limit signs, there are general guidelines that everyone knows about even if there are no signs! The neat thing is that they use the mph system and not kilometers here, so that’s something we have in common. The motorway speed limit is 70 mph and local speed limits are generally at 40 mph. When you get into the smaller local streets, it goes down to 30 mph. They’re upped their usage of speed cameras, so just watch out for those signs!

3. There’s a license or tax for EVERYTHING. There’s something called a TV license. This means that if you have the ability to watch broadcast television in your home, you must pay the TV license of £145 per year! If you don’t pay it and you get audited, then they’ll find you £1,000. Their council tax is also very high and must be paid yearly on top of the hefty 30% or so taxes that you pay from income, and about 12% taxes on purchases.  We’re so grateful that we decided not to get a car and try living without one because we know there are probably fees for licenses, petrol, car registration, car insurance and the works!

4. There’s a process for everything. We’ve been attending a local parish church that needs a little more enthusiasm and life in it! We’ve made our willingness to help known, but like most of England, there is a process. Things take more time here to change. If you mention that you’d love to sing in the choir, people aren’t jumping in and inviting you to rehearsals. They seem to take their time, put that little note in their head and wait for another time to mention anything.

5. Everything is more expensive here. The exchange rate between dollars and pounds is the pound is worth about $1.50. That means if I want to buy a soda from a machine and it says £1, I’m really paying $1.50 for that soda can. However, things are priced seemingly exactly the same here as in the US, however, they are in pounds! For example, instead of the dollar store, you have the 99p store (99 pence), which means that toilet brush that goes for $1.00 in the States costs $1.50 here! Same thing with restaurants and everything. If you want to buy a $6 McDonald’s meal here, it’ll cost you £6–which means you’re paying $9 for it here! Get it?

6. Bring power adapters, converters or transformers. Even better, get rid of all of your electronic appliances and just buy them here! We didn’t realize how many converters we needed to be able to use our XBOX, blender, kettle, food processor, and phones. They also have different telephone line jacks, so you’ll have to buy them here.

感动亚运:王治郅老兵不老 黄蕴瑶骨裂摘银_网易亚运频道:2021-11-27 · 网易亚洲英雄黄蕴瑶:摔倒之后拿银牌 我没想到影响这么大 专访-黄蕴瑶 沈金康 王治郅惠州传递亚运火炬 引发欢呼 中国男篮险翻船 大郅三分救驾成定海神针Region codes for your electronic devices don’t allow you to stream videos from the US (we can’t even stream Amazon Instant Video using our XBOX 360 due to the region code that you can’t change). Also, your US DVDs aren’t playable on UK DVD players, so you’ll have to bring your own US DVD player if you want to keep watching them. There’s also a huge difference between Amazon Instant Video and Amazon Prime ( vs in the cost and selection of items. The company also doesn’t seem to have experts who know how to handle when people move and what happens to your digital content. (You can’t watch your purchased digital content in another country unless you use a VPN that makes your device think it’s in another country). We were also very disappointed that our Roku doesn’t work here due to the same region code error.

8. Secondhand stores and Craigslist aren’t the same. Secondhand stores here are called “charity shops,” and are all over the place! The stores themselves are mostly small and mainly sell clothing. They all seem to be competing for the sake of their own charities and it is very common here for celebrities and networks to endorse certain charities. People don’t use Craigslist here, but Gumtree. That basically acts the same as Craigslist.

9. The Church of England seems old and tired. The local parish church we’ve attended is small and only elderly people attend. There’s not another ‘young’ couple with small children who attend regularly and the general approach to religion here seems hush-hush. It is not regular for people to speak openly about their faith, and even church members have been caught saying that their vicar (the church rector) is “too spiritual.” British history is so rich and long that the mentality we see here is that though society is becoming more and more secular, the church thinks it’s just a phase and society will come back around.

10. Life is more simple. It seems I’ve listed a whole bunch of negatives, but though these things I’ve listed were somewhat of a disappointment for me, life here has been wonderful. It is peaceful and simple. I’m able to get my groceries delivered to my house, since we don’t have a car, and many things are within walking distance: the water, many restaurants and pubs, co-operative food stores, a bank, the bus stop, the train station, the fire station, the local preschool, a large and lovely park, and more that I haven’t yet discovered!

Previous Tips & Tricks:

  • Tips & Tricks #7: WHAT TO DO WHEN EXPECTING
  • Tips & Tricks #6: WHAT TO LOOK FOR IN A DIAPER BAG
  • 【小明v老王】大忠若奸_哔哩哔哩 (゜-゜)つロ 干杯~-bilibili:2021-7-9 · 【小明&老王 】此物天下绝响 此物天下绝响 1362.8万播放 · 19.3万弹幕 03:50 【康熙说唱王朝】部落到帝国·怒斥群臣 非桥段 1314.5万播放 · 13.2万弹幕 ...
  • 一人之下之我是王并_第六十四章见林老天师!_起点中文网 ...:2021-6-1 · 一人之下之我是王并最新章节阅读,一人之下之我是王并是一部轻小说小说,由净兮凌创作,起点提供首发更新。第七十一章名场面!!!(2021.04.01)
  • Tips & Tricks #2: HOW TO FEED YOUR HUSBAND
  • Tips & Tricks #1: CONSIDER HOME DECOR




It has taken me a lot of time to write this. The “hate debate” about whether or not to vaccinate has circulated Facebook with much virility, cruel finger-pointing, and definite anger. There should be a Christian response to both sides of the argument regarding vaccinations; however, I’m sad to see that in many Christian circles, there has been splintering of friendships and general stirring up of animosity towards the other side. It’s easy for people to think this is a black and white issue. However, there is danger in taking this black-and-white approach to the vaccine debate. I have finally had the moment to gather up my thoughts and share with you what I want to say to both sides of this issue.

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Welcome to Tips & Tricks #10:



I haven’t had a good sleep for about four days. It’s partly due to the baby being super awake from 1am-3am and it’s partly because I haven’t been feeling will with a stuffy nose and a sore throat. However, last night it was the worst. The baby was sleeping fine, but my mind was just racing! So there are a couple things I do when I just can’t sleep for no apparent reason.

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Welcome to Tips & Tricks #9:



I like getting together with friends and I believe I’m pretty social! But I must say that sometimes I find it hard to enjoy hanging out in a party setting. I also really enjoy spending time with my husband, so to share him with a bunch of other people is undesirable to me. Here are a couple tips that help me maximize the amount of fun that can be had!

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Welcome to Tips & Tricks #8:



One of the best ways to learn something is to sing it. Isn’t that how most of us learned our ABC’s? Creating an Anglican home consists of bringing the faith and the things of God into the home. We sing a lot of our Daily Office (Morning, Evening and Night Prayer). It helps me memorize the prayers and allows me to meditate on them. I find myself with the melodies stuck in my head and the words just naturally accompany the tune.

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narrow pathHow do you know you’re saved? This question is a very commonly asked question among teenagers and young people in the Baptist tradition. The answer that is often given by a pastor or preacher is that if there was a day in their past that they prayed to accept Christ into their lives and they meant it, then they are saved.

There are a lot of issues with this approach to salvation. I would like to address some of them, and recommend you watch this video by Paul Washer, a Southern Baptist preacher, who addresses this issue directly.

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Welcome to Tips & Tricks #7:



I remember reading several blogs about pregnancy when we first found out we were pregnant! Now that we’re looking back, celebrating 9 months of my daughter’s life, and I’m back to pre-pregnancy weight (and even starting to think about another baby), I’m stretching my memory to think back to life before her…but more specifically, life while she was still in the womb.

I’m probably going to list a bunch of stuff you’ve already read about being pregnant, but I guess this post is more for my future self; what I’d like to prepare for if and when we have the next one.

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Welcome to Tips & Tricks #6:



You’ve got to be kidding me…you’re blogging about a diaper bag? No joke here, and I’ll tell you why it’s important.

For at least 2 years of your life, you’ll no longer be carrying around a cute purse to match each outfit. You’ll be carrying around a diaper bag wherever you go. So you might as well pick out the best one and forget about how much it’ll cost you!

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Let Not the Sun Go Down on Your Wrath


I struggle with anger and with lashing out. Thankfully, I tend to be quick to forgive and forget, and don’t hold grudges, but when my husband offends me or I think he’s attacking me (verbally), I go into fight mode. It’s not “fight or flight” for me–I always fight! I think the verse in Ephesians 4:26b, “…let not the sun go down on your wrath,” is a great excuse to just let out all the anger and wrath right before bedtime. However, I often forget the first part of that verse, “Be ye angry, and sin not:…” The key here is not sinning.

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